Paranormal stories

Souvenirs from India


I live in a house with my brother and parents. I go to school, and my brother is older than me and he is employed.

Souvenirs from India

Once he returned from India at two o’clock after midnight with a pile of souvenirs. His arrival woke me up, he rang the doorbell. Mom got up and unlocked the door for him. She prepared something for him to eat because he was hungry. When he travels somewhere further afield, he usually buys gifts for everyone. He did that this time as well. He gave us gifts. He showed us a mask he bought for himself. She looked a little creepy to me.

We all got up in the morning. Mom prepared breakfast and told me to go wake up my brother. I went into his room. Noticed a bunch of strange new souvenirs and a mask on the shelf. I woke up my brother and we all had breakfast together.

Then we all went our separate ways, some to school, some to work and so on. The day passed as usual.

Souvenirs from India

That evening I heard some noise from my brother’s room. It was as if something was hitting. I thought my brother was doing something.

In the morning as usual, mom prepared breakfast. When I was passing by my brother’s room, I stopped to see if he was up. He was not in the room. When I went downstairs, my brother was not there. I asked my mom “Where is my brother?”. She told me that he left for Paris last night.

Souvenirs from India

I have chills. Who was banging in his room? I convinced myself that I must have dreamed something. I didn’t want to tell my parents anything.

The next evening at exactly midnight something starts banging in my brother’s room. The noise was so loud that Mom and Dad woke up. We all stood in the corridor and listened to the noise from my brother’s room. I told them that I heard the same noise last night but that I thought my brother was doing something. Dad was studying in the room and everything stopped.

Paranormal stories
Souvenirs from India

We could not sleep that night.

When it dawned we had another surprise. We noticed that the window was covered in blood. When we looked under the window there were several dead birds. They hit the window and fell dead.

Souvenirs from India

Dad called his brother and told him everything. My brother told us to pick up all the souvenirs from his room and throw them away. That’s what we did.

The next night, like every other night, everything was calm. My brother never told us the story about those souvenirs and the mask.

Souvenirs from India

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Still when I close my eyes I hear my son’s call “Mom, mom, mom, help me…”.

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In the quiet village of Elnor, a legend about a mysterious cottage located on the edge of the forest had been passed down from generation to generation.

Једно реаговање на на „Souvenirs from India“

  1. Nancy аватар

    My friend got a scarf that was causing her problems.

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