Paranormal stories

She dreamed of a dead friend


A friend who died suddenly comes to me regularly in my dreams and asks for a wedding dress because she is getting married.

This is a creepy story told to me by a woman who lived in a country in the Balkans. At that time there was a war in that country and she had to move out. Now she is engaged in magical rituals and I learned a lot from her. A wonderful woman, but I wouldn’t mention her name here.

She dreamed of a dead friend

The girl dreamed of her friend who died a few months ago. It is about girls who were twenty years old.

The first time she dreamed she didn’t pay much attention, but as the dream kept repeating it started to bother her. In her dream, her friend asked her to go to her parents and ask them to buy her a wedding dress. When the time comes to send her the wedding dress she will tell her how to do it.

She dreamed of a dead friend

The dream was so burdensome that she went to her dead friend’s parents. She told them what she dreamed. The parents cried. They knew that her wish was to get married in a white wedding dress.

They agreed to buy a wedding dress. They bought it and informed their dead daughter’s friend.

After talking with her dead friend’s parents, she couldn’t dream.

She dreamed of a dead friend

One night she came in a dream and told her that she had to go alone exactly at midnight, not a second later, to the intersection near the house and throw that wedding dress in the middle of the road.

Paranormal story

It was getting close to midnight, she took her wedding dress and went to the crossroads. It was a warm summer night, but it was dark. She waited for the clock to strike midnight and threw her wedding dress on the road. There are still seconds left until midnight. She heard a car approaching. She saw the lights and thought it was a large vehicle just by the sound.

She dreamed of a dead friend
She dreamed of a dead friend

She threw her wedding dress in the middle of the road. The truck braked and two armed soldiers jumped out. They shouted at the girl “What did you throw on the road”. The girl stood frozen, with her hands raised. She couldn’t say anything. One of the soldiers was younger, around 20 years old, and the other was stretch-marked, around 40 years old. The girls came. They saw that she was scared. They tried to calm her down and tell them what she was doing there.

She dreamed of a dead friend

When she came to, the girl briefly told them the whole story. She saw that something strange was happening because the younger soldier was just circling and holding his head, and the older one was crying.

Then the soldiers explained everything to her. They were driving a coffin with a dead soldier in a truck. The dead soldier is 23 years old.


She dreamed of a dead friend
She dreamed of a dead friend

Everything was clear to everyone. The soldiers put the wedding dress over the chest in which the dead soldier was lying and continued their journey.

This is a blood-curdling story that should give everyone goosebumps.

Paranormal story

I asked the witch doctor how she knew this story. After this, the girl had a big strike and psychological problems, so she turned to her for help. They tried various doctors, but they could not help. She managed to help her and now they are in contact. They talk on the phone occasionally and apologize.

When I was in that country in the Balkans, I had to visit that girl. Now she is married and a happy woman. She told me the same story and showed me the pictures. I found out that she later married the younger soldier who was driving the truck that evening. A lot of praise goes to Vračar, who is our mutual friend and who helped us get to know each other. She says that she helped her a lot and if it wasn’t for her, she wouldn’t be happy today.

Read more paranormal stories

At exactly 9 pm every night, someone hits the front door and bounces like a ball. Everyone in the house can hear it. At first we thought it was the wind, but as it kept repeating itself at exactly 9 p.m., it started to weigh on us. We all started watching and waiting in the house.

Someone rings the doorbell. I was playing a game on the computer and I didn’t like getting up. The guest was persistent, he rang again. I knew I was alone in the house and got up to open it. I opened it and an unknown man stood in front of me. He was 30 years old. When he saw me he smiled and said my name. He hugged me, and I was confused. I see this man for the first time. He asked me about my parents, if they were at home. I told him they weren’t there but would be there in two hours from work.

Still when I close my eyes I hear my son’s call “Mom, mom, mom, help me…”.

A friend who died suddenly comes to me regularly in my dreams and asks for a wedding dress because she is getting married.

I live in a house with my brother and parents. I go to school, and my brother is older than me and he is employed. Zog often travels for work.

They had been searching for their home for a long time, and finally, they found it – a beautiful old house with a spacious garden, located on the outskirts of a peaceful town.

In the quiet village of Elnor, a legend about a mysterious cottage located on the edge of the forest had been passed down from generation to generation.

Једно реаговање на на „She dreamed of a dead friend“

  1. George аватар

    Great story… gave me goosebumps

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