A call for help


I go to bed with my wife in the evening. Everything is normal. He falls asleep easily and I have a strange dream. I dream of my only son calling me “Mom, mom, mom, help me…”. It’s so loud that the voice wakes me up. I feel anxious. I pick up my phone and check the time. It’s one o’clock after midnight. My son lives in another city and studies there. I feel something is not right. I would call my son, but he is probably sleeping.

Paranormal stories

I couldn’t keep sleeping. I was too upset. Some strange feeling that I can’t describe. I got up to make tea. I hesitated whether to invite my son or not. He is probably sleeping now and if I wake him up he will be angry. But I knew something was wrong, I could feel it. Mother felt it.

Something disturbs me, I pick up the phone and call him. The phone rings, but no one answers.

I’m thinking, maybe he’s sleeping and turned off his phone, and maybe something happened to him. I tried to call him on the phone a few more times, but he didn’t answer.

In the morning, my husband got up and I didn’t want to say anything to him. Maybe I imagined everything, I don’t want to annoy him.

A call for help
A call for help
A call for help

The husband said “Had a strange dream. I don’t remember the whole dream. A raven is standing in a tree in front of the house and starts flying towards me. I try to protect myself with my hands and he disappears.”

Then I told him what happened to me. I told him that I didn’t sleep all night. I called my son, but he didn’t answer. I decided to call his friend then. I pick up the phone and call his best friend. The phone rings but the friend did not answer.

A call for help

Around 8 o’clock someone knocks on the door. Those are two policemen. They inform us that our only son had a car accident at one o’clock in the morning and died. He was in the car with his best friend. They told us how the car accident happened and that both of them died on the spot. The police officer who was on the investigation said that his phone was ringing and that his mother was calling him, but that he did not have the strength to answer.


A call for help

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