Magical Rituals

If you are interested in magical rituals and want to learn, then you are in the right place. Look at examples from practice.

How do days affect magic (spell)?

Tailor your magick to your specific goals, beliefs and intuition. If your wishes are related to love, it is best to do the magical ritual on Fridays, and if it is wealth and money, then it is Thursday, and if it is related to health, then it is Wednesday.
Feel free to explore and discover which days work best for you for certain types of magical workings.

The Author:

Emma Palibrk

Candles are widely used magical tools. They represent the element of fire and symbolize light, transformation and spiritual power. Different colors of candles have different meanings and are used for different purposes in magical practices.

The Author:

Emma Palibrk

These are just some of the plants used in magical rituals. During your work you will meet some others.

The Author:

Emma Palibrk

Different types of magical rituals can be used to achieve different goals, including love, health, prosperity and other intentions.

The Author:

Emma Palibrk

Getting to know and working with the elements of earth, fire, water and air is often practiced in magical traditions to achieve balance and connection with the natural world. Each element has its own specific properties and energies, which can be used for different purposes in magical actions.

The Author:

Emma Palibrk

The moon has a strong influence on magical rituals because of its proximity to the Earth and its cyclical movement through the different phases of the moon. The moon carries energy that can support various types of magical actions.

The Author:

Emma Palibrk

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