Watch what wish you will make?


On the pavement of the street lay a man in old, dirty and torn clothes, probably a homeless man. There was a stench around him. People walked past him. Some were crossing to the other side of the street.

Watch what wish you will make

A young man, about 30 years old, crouched next to the beggar and asked him if he needed help. He helped him up and sat on the step next to him. He took out a bottle of water and a sandwich that his wife had packed for him from his backpack. He gave a bottle of water and a sandwich to a homeless man. He asked him if he needed a doctor or any help. The homeless man looked at him and shook his head. He took the sandwich and started eating, after two bites he swallowed a couple of sips of water. He told the young man that he was fine now and that he could continue on his way.

The young man continued on. He turned around a couple of times to check if everything was okay with the homeless man.

That day at work, he thought about that homeless man. He lives with his wife in a small rented apartment, and there would be no place for a homeless person. He is not in any financial situation. They are barely making ends meet.

Watch what wish you will make
Watch what wish you will make?

When he went home, he told his wife the story of the beggar. His wife told him that she did not understand how people could walk past someone like that and not help him. She told him that she was proud of him and that they couldn’t help him even if they wanted to. His wife told him that the landlady called today and asked about the arrears for the apartment.

To clear his mind, he left the house for a walk in the park.

There were no people in the park at that time. It’s already past midnight. An elderly man was sitting on a bench, he was around 70 years old. He was well dressed and wearing a hat. When the young man passed by the bench, the older man called him by name. The young man turned to the bench, surprised how this man knew his name. He knows he’s seeing him for the first time.

Watch what wish you will make
Watch what wish you will make?
Watch what wish you will make

The older man invited him to sit on the bench next to him. The young man came and sat on the bench. When he looked into his eyes, he saw the eyes of a homeless man. Stunned, he asked him if he was the man he had helped today. The older man said that he was and that he would explain everything to him.

He explained to him that he is not homeless, he is not an ordinary person and that he is in that park for a reason. He knew that he would go out to the park and that he would walk along this path. He is there to reward him for his good deed. He will grant him one wish, whatever he wishes.

The young man was confused, and who wouldn’t be. He didn’t quite believe the story the older man told. He tried not to show confusion, but also not to offend the older man. He asked him why one wish, weren’t there always three.

The old man is afraid that it is like this in fairy tales, but in real life it is only one wish. He told him to be careful what he wishes for because it will come true. He also told him that he would never see him again.

The young man said I want a suitcase full of money.

The old man said, what you wished for will be fulfilled.

The young man only looked away from the older man for a moment and when he wanted to look at him again, he was gone. Instead of him on the bench next to the young man was a suitcase. When he opened the suitcase, there was a lot of money inside.

The young man took the suitcase and took it to the apartment. He told the woman what happened to him. They knew that no one would believe them in that story.

Watch what wish you will make
Watch what wish you will make?
Watch what wish you will make

They timidly looked at the suitcase full of money, first they thought about where they were going to hide it. In the first week, they took money from their suitcases to pay the back rent installments, bought some clothes and went to a restaurant that they could only dream about until then.

They quickly quit their jobs and started spending money on luxuries. Soon their apartment was too small and they bought a big house. They only slept in the house, and spent the rest of their time on luxury and entertainment.

After a few months, the lovely young man turned into a fat man who flaunted his money. He seeks pleasure in other girls. He bought their love with gifts and money.

His wife also experienced changes. She thought expensive clothes made her a lady. She flaunted her money and was mean to everyone around her. It didn’t take her long to find pleasure in other men.

Husband and wife were almost no longer together. They were united only by a suitcase with money. Everyone took as much as he needed for himself. The money was slowly disappearing.

Watch what wish you will make
Watch what wish you will make?

When the husband saw that the money was disappearing, he tried to gamble the money. He gambled every time, but instead of winning money, he only lost. When he lost all his money, he started investing in a house and a car. He quickly ran out of everything.

When they realized that they had spent everything and lost their house and cars, they had to move to a smaller apartment. There was no more love between them. The suitcase with the money was gone. The intolerance between them only grew. After some time they parted. They witnessed the curse of ” to have after some time not to have”.

Watch what wish you will make

The young man thought about whether he had made a mistake when he wished for a suitcase with money. He could have asked for anything, but he wanted money. Now he is sure that the money didn’t make them happy, it just changed them.

He could have wanted a better job, or some skill, he could have invested the money in something – the young man thought.

If you were in the same situation as this young man, what would you wish for? Write in the comments what your wish is, maybe it will come true.

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