In Harry Potter’s world, there’s Divination, Astronomy and prophecies – all used to make sense of the mysteries of the universe and the great beyond. But what about astrology? We know Professor Trelawney did touch upon it, but do any of our favourite characters happen to display personality traits that are unique to their star sign?

Well, we thought it would be fun to find out! As it is Virgo season, we’re looking at the brainiest of Gryffindors, Hermione Granger. Of course, any similarities may be a total coincidence. We’ll leave that up to you to decide. Why not share this with your Virgo friends and see what they think?
Look up the definition of clever in the dictionary and you’ll find a picture of Hermione Jean Granger. She was on another level to us mere mortals when it came to her intelligence. Interestingly, it is a trait associated with the Virgo zodiac sign too. Known for being the brainy students of the zodiac, those who are born under this star sign are driven by a restless, inquiring intellect.
I don’t think anyone would disagree when we say that this was reflected in Hermione. After all, this was the witch who got a hundred and twelve percent in her first-year Charms exam. Her intelligence was arguably one of her defining characteristics – with multiple people pointing it out at multiple points across the stories. Whether she was being described as ‘the cleverest witch of her age’, ‘brilliant but scary’ or even (more unflatteringly) a ‘know-it-all’, Hermione and intelligence were pretty much synonymous. Her brain was so mighty, that she was even given a Time-Turner as a third-year (when most adults couldn’t even be trusted with one), just so she could make it to all of her lesson and fuel that unrelenting academic drive of hers.

Very high standards
Virgos are known for having very high standards – they’ve even been described as the ‘Quality Control Officers’ of the zodiac. Every area of their life is subject to scrutiny as they try to make sure they and those around them are the best they can be.
Now, we do think that Hermione had certain expectations of those around her and tried to encourage them to be what she considered to be their best selves – see the unappreciated homework planners she got for Ron and Harry. Yet, like most Virgos, this perfectionism could tip over into being critical of anything that doesn’t meet their expectations – see Hermione’s frosty relationship with Divination. However, Hermione didn’t just hold others to these high standards, she held herself to them too. Nothing screams this more when she was disappointed in her O.W.L. results – despite getting ten Os and one E!
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You’re not likely to find a Virgo who enjoys sitting about and daydreaming – this Earth sign keeps its feet firmly planted on the ground. Virgos are analytical by nature, make excellent problem-solvers and are methodical in the way they approach things.
Hermione was someone we would definitely call logical and we’re happy to explain why in a… logical fashion. First, she solved the potion riddle guarding the Philosopher’s Stone when she was just eleven years old. The following year, she methodically unravelled the mystery of what was attacking the Muggle-borns at Hogwarts by herself. Finally, she realised what Lupin’s ‘furry little secret’ was when Harry and Ron didn’t have a clue. There seemed to be no problem or puzzle too challenging for our favourite brainiac – and honestly? We’re still trying to figure out how she solved that potions riddle.
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Virgos might sometimes appear to have a somewhat glacial exterior, but don’t let that fool you. Underneath, Virgos are some of the kindest and helpful friends you could hope for. They are the first people to be there for you if you need someone to lean on or a shoulder to cry on and you can guarantee that they will leave you with some practical, yet very handy, advice. In fact, they’re so helpful, they are willing to put their own needs aside in service of others. Again, we can see how this applies to one of our favourite Gryffindors…
Hermione was helpful in so many ways. When Harry needed help brushing up on his spellwork before the first Triwizard task, Hermione was the one to patiently tutor him. When the Hogwarts students needed a place to practice the practical part of Defence Against the Dark Arts, Hermione came up with the idea for Dumbledore’s Army. And (most importantly) when Harry needed some help understanding the inner-workings of Cho Chang’s mind, Hermione patiently explained it to him. Like other Virgos, Hermione consistently demonstrated a desire to help others… even if sometimes her efforts weren’t always appreciated (we’re thinking of those bobbly elf hats).
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Secret naughty streak
‘It’s sort of exciting, isn’t it? Breaking the rules.’ You might think those were the words of the Weasley twins, perhaps a young Sirius or even Harry himself… yet these words belonged to Hermione Granger. Yes! That Hermione. The model pupil. The person who collected house points like it was going out of fashion. The witch that feared expulsion more than death. Yet, she had a secret rebellious and playful streak – just like those who fall under the Virgo zodiac sign.
Yes, Virgos are more well-known for their hard-working, perfectionist natures and sometimes imposing demeanours but, thanks to their ruling planet mercury, they are also known for their dry wit and sense of fun. Scratch beneath then surface and you will find a secret cheeky side lurking there.
We reckon this applies to Hermione. Let’s not forget it was Hermione who brewed a Polyjuice Potion as a second-year. Hermione who Confunded Cormac McLaggen at Quidditch trials. And Hermione who trapped Rita Skeeter in a glass jar and blackmailed her – not quite the goody two-shoes she initially seemed.